Add a review about the dacha "Eagle's Nest"

As a resort, Essentuki formed by the beginning of the 20th century. At this time, a construction boom erupted in the city, resulting in the emergence of many architectural masterpieces. A special niche in the city's architecture is occupied by villas that were built along the railway and in the present resort area

Their owners - rich local residents and visiting aristocrats - sought to outdo each other, resulting in rather extravagant projects . Unfortunately, many of them have not reached our time or changed their appearance as a result of reorganizations . One of the most famous among tourists and the original in terms of architectural merits was the former Villa Zimina or, as it is called, "Eagle's Nest" . The second name she received in honor of decorating the facade of the sculpture of three eagles, nestling comfortably in the nest .

One of the most famous among tourists and original in terms of architectural merits was the former Zimin Dacha or, as it is still called "Eagle's Nest."

External appearance

This small masterpiece of architecture was built by a police officer And . G . Zimin in 1910-1912 . on the alienated Cossack lands that were at that time massively distributed under dacha construction . Three-storeyed summer cottage was completed style of Russian modernism . It is completely lined with ocher-colored brick, on the front side it is decorated with a loggia with arched ceilings and a mezzanine with three small windows . On the south side there are two elegant pinnacles bordering the dacha, one of which is a two-story tower and the second is a four-story the latter with its clearly vertical walls and the parapet crowning it resembles the famous Svan towers) .

Due to the decorative stucco, windows of different sizes and shapes, other decorative elements, the powerful, seemingly, building looks especially elegant and the bunk bottom.

garden history in the post-revolutionary period, the building housed the Zimin Villas sovdep then elektrosvetolechebnitsa, and at the end of the 1920s. he was transferred to a sanatorium named after Academician Pavlov. Subsequently, the dacha was given to the needs of a major cultural center of the city - the Central Resort Library, it is located here to this day. Its funds include about 150 thousand books. All regional and regional newspapers, as well as book novelties, come here.

Location in the city

Find "Eagle's Nest" is not difficult. The dacha is located right at the intersection of ul. Andzhievsky and Ponomarev and is visible from afar. From the railway station Yessentuki to the dacha you can walk on foot for 20-25 minutes (by the Spa park on the street Andzhievsky), by car this distance you will overcome in 4-6 minutes (through Zheleznodorozhnaya, Ponomarev and Andzhievsky streets).

Opposite the cottage the church of St. Panteleimon, dedicated to the healer Panteleimon and Alexander Nevsky, is located, do not miss.