Add a review about the Church of the Ascension in Rostov Veliky

The Church of the Ascension (Church of Isidor the Blessed on the ramparts) - one of the oldest buildings of Rostov Veltky. The emergence of the church is associated with the name of the blessed Isidor Tverdislov. This saint chose Rostov for his heroic deed for Christ. In the middle of a huge swamp in a dry place, he built himself a hut out of brushwood, in which he prayed all his life.

The holy relics were repeatedly healed, and the worship of the Blessed was widespread.

Initially, the four-tier iconostasis in the temple was wooden . Carved icons on the royal gates wore a flat openwork ornamental carving, consisting of plant shoots, ending and alternating with circular plaques. The abundance of plastic images is reminiscent of the minting of precious metal rather than woodcarving

In the Yaroslavl diocesan sheets it is written: "The Church of the Ascension stands in the center of the city, near the cathedral church and the monastery of nuns on a beautiful location. A special charm is given to it by an earthen rampart, like a fort that surrounds it from three sides, arranged according to all the rules of ancient art. With an open view from the shaft, almost to the whole city, and partly to its surroundings, it attracts both children and adults in the spring and summer for walks near it. "

In 1786, the warm side-chapel of St. Isidore was added to the southern wall of the temple Blessed, and the wooden iconostasis is replaced by stone. In 1930 the church was closed and handed over to the Rostov Museum, but services were resumed in the church in 2002.

Frescoes of the Church of Isidore the Blessed

Address: Rostov Veliky, ul. Karl Marx, 25 a; tel .: +7 (910) 825-82-24, (903) 691-97-90.