Add a review about the Raclawice Panorama

The Raclawicka panorama is a monumental circular painting with dimensions of 114x15 m, which depicts the Battle of Raclawice that took place during the takeoff Kostyushko . Now the panorama is located in Wrocław . This is one of the few paintings this genre that arose in the mass culture of the 19th century and the oldest in Poland . If you stand in the center of a round panorama, you can translate the view from one episode of battle to another . The drawing technique used a special kind of perspective and additional effects such as lighting and artificial landscape . All this was done to make the cyclamor look as realistic as possible .

The idea of ​​creating such a panorama came to the artist Jan Styke in Lviv, and he invited a famous battlewoman Wojciech Kossak to take part in the project. Two artists were helped by eight more, and the project fits well into the wave of patriotism to the centenary of the battle of 1794 in the Battle of Poland for independence.

From the very end of the work, the panorama attracted abnormal attention: real crowds of tourists came to Lviv, To look at it.

The national exhibition that took place in Lviv in 1894 ., provided the Excellent opportunity for the implementation of its idea . The canvas was purchased in Brussels, and the iron construction for demonstrating the result was and specially made in Vienna .The rotunda, which was completed in 1893, ., was located in the park of Lviv . Panorama wrote oil for nine months and finished in 1894 . From the very moment of the end of the works the panorama attracted abnormal attention: real crowds of tourists came to Lviv to only look at it . 75 thousand . person annually - for those times it was a staggering amount of .

Ratslavitskaya panorama

After the Second World War the painting was bought by Wroclaw. Under the communist regime, the cyclamor also came to the court, but it was only possible to restore and display it for public viewing only in 1985. History repeated itself: once it was one of the most significant sights in Lviv, immediately after the opening, the panorama became the same main attraction of Wroclaw. @

Among the many distinguished guests who visited the cyclorama, John Paul II, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milos, etc.

Practical information

Address: Jana Ewangelisty Purkyniego, 11.

Panorama is located in the very center city, in the park Julius of Slovakia. Right opposite, behind the bridge, stands Wroclaw Cathedral.