Add a review of the old city prison in Wrocław

The former prison is located on the corner of Prison Street. and Nozhovnichy Street. Its square building was built in the first half of the 14th century. At first, a small prison quickly grew and soon became rectangular. In the middle of the 17th century a chapel appeared here, to our days, alas, not reached. Another expansion followed in 1500, when the prison formed an entire architectural complex. By the middle of the 18th century, the "capacity" of the prison was about 100 people. The current appearance of the building refers to 1863, when the prison was last reconstructed.

In the cellars of the old prison contained the most dangerous prisoners, condemned to death, and the lowest social classes. In the eastern part of the underground complex was located a torture.

In the early 20th century prison underwent reconstruction of a small, but was later damaged during the Second World War. After the restoration, the building was fortified and subsequently placed in it by the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the PAN. Former a torture was transformed into a pub, and in the courtyard of the old prison is opened under vigorous outdoor cafe called "Prison".

formerly a torture has been converted into a pub, and in the courtyard of the old prison is opened under vigorous outdoor cafe called "Prison".

Wroclaw dwarfs "krasnolyudki", which are arranged in the abundance of ground and represent one of mileyshih its attractions, "mark" and close to the prison. The old walls of a small dwarf drags prohibitively huge metallic core

On the walls of the old prison is still possible to make out the inscription carved prisoners

Practical Information Address:.. Ul. Prison, 9.

The old city jail is located in the very center of Wrocław, near the Market Square and University Square.