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Let the skeptical public know that Munch is not only "Scream", but also a lot of other interesting canvases. Do not say that they were all cheerful, but a certain part of the pictures of this artist still adjusts to a positive mood. You can make sure of this by visiting the Munch Museum, where one of the versions of the "Scream" (in a different color scheme, for those who understand) is presented, as well as most of the artist's unexpectedly large creative legacy.

Museum's exposition

The collection of the Munch Museum includes the largest collection of paintings by the artist and artifacts associated with his life and work - more than 28 thousand exhibits. Here are just the dry figures: 1,150 full-fledged paintings (not the "Shout" single, as they say!), 17,800 posters, posters and etchings, 7700 drawings, including two hundred albums for sketching, 21 sculptures and a collection of photographs depicting the artist, and made by Munch himself.

Also the museum regularly holds screenings of films about the artist's creative path, lectures, concerts and audiotapes are arranged. Do not miss the opportunity to purchase magnificent art albums with Munch paintings.

Address and opening hours

Address: Toyengata, 53.

Opening Hours: All days of the week, except Tuesday - from 10:00 to 17:00, on Tuesday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

Entrance - 95 NOK, until 18 years - free of charge

 Munch Museum, Oslo  Munch Museum
Munch Museum
 Entrance to the Munch Museum, Oslo  Munch Museum
Entrance to the Munch Museum
 Ashes, Munch Museum, Oslo  Munch Museum
Ash, Munch Museum
 Inside the Museum Munch, Oslo  Munch Museum
Inside the Munch Museum
 Munch Letters, Munch Museum, Oslo  Munch Museum
Munch Letters, Munch Museum