Add a review about the beach of Mazaro

Taormina - Sicilian fortunate. Not only is this one of the oldest and most beautiful cities on the island, so he still managed to snatch a fantastic coast where one amazing beach is replaced by another. A striking example is the coastline of the island of Bella Isola, which in the north is replaced by the Gulf of Mazaro. After visiting here, you can be sure once and for all: nature in the Mazaro area is one of the most luxurious ensembles of the sea, sand and sky.

The undeniable plus of the Mazzaro coast is the absence of admission . That is, to enjoy his marvelous landscapes and the warm sea can be completely free . But then it follows and the minus - the beach is not equipped and not properly equipped . Here do not rent out sun loungers and umbrellas, there is no shower with fresh water and toilets . But there is a pretty restaurant Lido La Pigna, opening every season, in which in the load for dinner give all these benefits of life completely free . I must say, none of the local tourists is not at all embarrassed: they are tasty, wine is tart, views are sunny, and the sun beds are no worse than on other beaches in Sicily . @ In addition, the owners of the restaurant invented for their guests such entertainment as catamaran and boat rental, water skiing and banana, free shuttle buses to the center of Taormina .

The deep sea in the Gulf of Madzoro allows you to dive and explore underwater beauty, or, conversely, to catch the wave and in eter, raising the already adrenaline level of Italian girls adrenaline in the blood.

Another important advantage of Mazaro is the great depth that gradually builds up. That is here and family tourists will be relatively comfortable, and fans of surfing and diving. The deep sea allows you to dive diving, to study underwater beauties or, on the contrary, to catch the wave and wind, raising the already adrift from the Italian girls level of adrenaline in the blood.

However, it should be borne in mind that the local sand is not so velvety and gentle, as it looks in the picture. He, if it is fair, krupnovat and is often abruptly involved with a small pebble. Walking and lying quite comfortable, but with a "silky white powder", you can not even call him drunk, alas,


Address: Via Nazionale, Mazzaro, Taormina.

How to get there: from Taormina to the picturesque Gulf of Mazaro it will not be difficult to get there. And you can do it in several ways. For example, take the bus number 22, or walk on narrow winding streets. But the most picturesque option is to take a cable car that runs from the old town of Taormina directly to the right bay. Needless to say, that during the journey from the window of the trailer are opened just fantastic views? Travel time, by the way, is about 10 minutes

Izola-Bella and Mazaro