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The Medici Chapel is a tourist attraction that anyone who travels to Florence must visit ...

The Medici Chapel reflects many facets of the talent of Michelangelo

This memorial chapel is located at the Church of San Lorenzo . Art historians call the chapel of the Medici one of the greatest creations of Michelangelo. And the era of the late Renaissance as a whole.

Michelangelo was a brilliant sculptor, painter, architect, poet ... And in the Medici Chapel many facets of his talent are reflected.

Medici Chapel

What to see

The Medici Chapel is a small , but a structure stretched out to the sky, which is crowned by a dome. Michelangelo completed his architectural space. He was able to make the appearance of the chapel correspond to its internal content.

Everything in the Medici chapel - from the walls and up to the decoration - is dedicated to the theme of death.

Everything in the Medici chapel - from walls and up to the decoration - is devoted to one topic of death. Below, in the sarcophagi, it is dark, here the bodies of the deceased rest. The higher, the more light enters the building: the soul is immortal, it resurrects in the realm of light.

On one wall of the chapel there is an altar. Opposite - the tomb of Lorenz Magnificent and his brother Giuliano. Near the tombs are three statues, including the famous "Madonna and Child", executed by Michelangelo himself. The sculpture symbolizes the closeness of the mother and child to its highest degree.

Madonna is full of lyricism, unlike the other figures in the Medici Chapel, she is devoid of tragedy. This sculpture is recognized as one of the most beautiful images created in the Renaissance.

Figures of the Sutok brought real fame to Michelangelo

On the sarcophagi we see the figures of the Sutok, which brought real fame to the sculptor. So, on the sarcophagus of Lorentz, we see the statues "Morning" and "Evening". They are clearly uncomfortable, they seem to slip, but they are holding on to the figure of Lorentz the Magnificent

Giuliano's tomb is adorned with the figures "Nights" and "Day". "Night" is the most tragic figure of Michelangelo. It leaves an indelible impression on the today's visitors of the Medici Chapel as well as on the contemporaries of the artist.

The figure of "Day" is unfinished. But not because Michelangelo did not have time. So the sculptor wanted to convey the state of uncertainty, because no one can foresee with certainty what awaits him during the day.

The Medici Chapel is strikingly different from the other chapels of Florence. Here, Michelangelo created an atmosphere of tragedy and mourning, which keeps tourists in constant tension.

How to get there

Tourists, holidaymakers in Florence, need to be guided by the church of San Lorenzo. This tourist attraction is in all the guidebooks around the resort.

The bus No. C1 stops near the church. The stop you need is called "San Lorenzo."

The Medici Chapel is open from 8:15 to 16:50. Be careful, the ticket office closes at 16:20.

The chapel is open to tourists every day except holidays: Christmas (December 25), New Year (January 1) and May 1. There are also days off: every odd Monday of the month and every even Sunday of the month

The ticket to the Medici Chapel costs 8 EUR, including visits to the Chapel and New Sacristy

Tickets to the Church of San Lorenzo and the Laurentian Library are purchased separately.

Children under the age of six can view these Florence attractions for free

All prices are for September 2014

 Medici Chapel, Florence  Medici Chapel
Medici Chapel
 Cupolas, Medici Chapel, Florence  Medici Chapel
Cupolas, Medici Chapel
 Sculptures, Medici Chapel, Florence  Medici Chapel
Sculptures, Medici Chapel