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Located in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria is the center of mass of interesting sculptures - of the "David" by Michelangelo to "Judith and Holofernes" by Donatello and "Perseus with the head of Medusa "Cellini . at the time, here staged fires Holy Inquisition and prominent political figures of the republic in order to get the love of the citizens . by the latter is meant, of course, the legendary Savonarola, who, calling the fight with luxury, had lit a fire from books, clothes, pictures and mu ykalnyh tools that hell was sick .A year later, in 1498, the Inquisition frolicked here, burning Savanarol at the stake himself . As you can see, the story of the square is rich .

If we return to the architectural charm of Piazza della Signoria, then there is something to please the taste of even the most tremulous fans of art . The area of ​​the L-shape is a unique allegorical cycle of statues that should inspire the rulers of the Republic Florence on the way to the Palazzo Vecchio . It seems that with its task the area coped with "five plus ». To understand It's enough to take a closer look at the copies of masterpieces that, in silent silence under the light of the moon, stand here for years for fun to the public .

For example, "David" Michelangelo (1501-1504), which every schoolboy is capable of knowing today, and everyone an Italian entrepreneur is in a hurry to sell an apron with images of spicy denuded body parts of David to tourists. Sculpture was created during the Second Florentine Republic, when the expulsion of the Medici to power came Savanarola. So, under Goliath, with whom David is about to fight, meant the French King Charles VIII and the Roman Pope Alexander VI Borgia, who were trying to capture Florence.

It should also pay attention to "Judith with the Head of Holofernes" Donatello (1455-1460 ), which, by the way, was first made for the Medici Palace, but with the announcement of the republic was moved to the Piazza della Signoria. Donatello's hand belongs to a couple of sculptures in the square: "Mardzokko" (a lion with an iris on a shield) and two stone lions near the Lanzi loggia.

Almost all sculptures in the Piazza della Signoria are copies. The exception is only "Perseus" Cellini.

On the right of the entrance to the Old Palace is the "Hercules defeating Cacus" by Baccio Bandinelli.

Pay attention to the stone with the scraped human profile behind the sculpture. If you believe the legend, he left here by Michelangelo, argued that he could carve a portrait of the villain, which is about to be hanged in the square, turned to stone back.

It is worth paying attention to the Fountain of Neptune by Bartolomeo Ammannati hand, appeared on the square of the marriage of Francesco I de 'Medici (1570) . Finally, the amazing work loggia dei Lanzi, built from 1376 by 1382 Benci di Chion and Simone di Francesco Talenti . Designed for meetings and receptions of the Florentine republic, today it is a loggia - a real muse th open-air .Of course, the main local attractions are the sculptures of ancient heroes, in particular the "Poliksen's Abduction" by Pio Fedi, "Hercules and the Centaur" and "The Abduction of the Sabines" by Jambolonya, "The Perseus with the Head of Medusa" by Cellini .

Virtually all the sculptures on Piazza della Signoria are copies. The exception is only "Perseus" Cellini.

Address: Piazza della Signoria

 Signoria Square, Florence  Signoria Square
Signoria Square
Neptune Fountain, Piazza della Signoria, Florence  Signoria Square
Neptune Fountain, Piazza della Signoria
 David, Piazza della Signoria, Florence  Piazza Signoria
David, Piazza della Signoria
 Piazza della Signoria at night, Florence  Signoria Square
Piazza della Signoria at night

Reviews of Piazza della Signoria (4)

Evaluation 10

Magic Place February 23, 2015

was ( a) here in November 2014
Very Inter snaya with the unique aura of the area. When traveling in Italy, then visiting a square or even several squares in each city is a mandatory item of the program. And it seems that you are getting surprised less and less. But places like the Piazza della Signoria change it in an instant. An incredible number of monuments of culture and history are concentrated on a small patch of land. Even if you imagine that you will see nothing more in Florence in Florence ... but the Uffizi Gallery, Palazzo Vecchio, ... Read the whole review
 Piazza della Signoria  Piazza della Signoria  Piazza della Signoria
Evaluation 10

Very impressed! November 25, 2014

was here in November 2010

Florence is so full of sights that it's difficult even to evaluate and choose the best of the many. I would even say it is full. Not for nothing that there is a cider Stendhal. This is when from overcrowding with impressions in this city, you can lose consciousness! And yet, the area of ​​Señoria stands out from all. Unbelievably clean, in pastel colors; despite the fact that the number of tourists there is always off scale. Plots for photos here at every step. The first half-hour is best marked out for ... Read full review
 Sinioria Square  Signoria Square  Signoria Square
Evaluation 10

Sculpture Square September 12, 2014

was here in October 2012
The Signoria Square is compulsory for a visit in Florence. I would say so. I am almost sure that there will not be even one person who will be bored and uninteresting in this square. Most people who come here for the first time, as they say in the people, just "hang." The fact is that there are numerous statues on the square, incredible in beauty and grandeur. And the grandeur does not depend on the size, although there are some in the literal sense of the word. There are opinions, ... Read full review
 Sinioria Square  Signoria Square
Evaluation 10

Piazza della Signoria - " heart "of Florence August 21, 2014

was here in August 2014
Travel to Italy by praise is a dream of many people on earth, because this country is considered the concentration of cultural and historical attractions. This year I decided to finally realize my dream and went to Italy, visiting many interesting cities in the excursion, including the famous Florence, which can be called an "open-air museum". It is worth to spend a minimum of 3-4 days, because in a shorter period you just do not have time to read ... Read the full review
 Signoria Square  Signoria Square  Area Signoria