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To visit Florence and not "zachechinitsya" in the Piazzale Michelangelo simply can not. This vast open space on top of the hill beckons all tourists with a magnificent view of Florence. Special beauty will open with the onset of darkness - the lights of the city literally lie on your palm. In the daytime, you can enjoy playing light on Campotan Giotto, impress with the scale of the Duomo dome, look at the drawings of artists who create artists and simply enjoy life.

Go up to the square comfortably on the stairs of San Niccolo.
Visit Florence and not "zachechinitsya" in the Piazzale Michelangelo simply can not be.

Volcano sprawled under the Tuscan sky between the gardens of Boboli and Bardini, the Michelangelo square, alas, is not so good in itself. Here, of course, there is a bronze figure of David (a copy, the original work of Michelangelo, look for at the Academy of Fine Arts). But he, together with the sculptures-allegories of the seasons located at his foot, somehow do not "stretch" the landscaped cars and buses. Well, okay, most importantly, the view of Florence - and he's here just "five with plus"!

Address: Piazzale Michelangelo
 Michelangelo Square, Florence, Italy  Michelangelo Square
 Steps in Michelangelo Square, Florence, Italy  Michelangelo Square

Address: Piazzale Michelangelo

Reviews of Michelangelo Square (3)

Evaluation 9

Wonderful and romantic! February 20, 2015

was here in April 2012
We doubted for a long time whether we should visit this area. After all, in Florence, there are so many places to visit that you have to choose. What did we see? Beautiful pink sunsets overlooking the whole city and a lot of foreigners! We came from the center with a foot, frankly speaking, very tired, there is nowhere to sit. But all the same, the views from there are simply stunning !!! The whole of Florence as in the palm of your hand - all the bridges, all the churches, a miracle just! In addition, we waited for the sunset and it was right. In the evening, when ... Read the full review
 Michelangelo's Square  Michelangelo's Square  Michelangelo's Square
Evaluation 9

Do not miss out! 02 December 2014

was here in December 2014
Many tourists who first visited Florence realized that they do not include visiting this area in their program. For the reason that this is not the most "ancient and historical" place. I was also captivated by this error and went there only because my friends insisted. But now I understand that this is the first place where you should go to explore Florence. From there an incredible view of the city (which we see on business cards-postcards of Florence)! Very pleasant atmosphere, creates a feeling of unity ... Read the whole review
 Michelangelo's square  Michelangelo's square  Michelangelo's square
Evaluation 10

Start with it September 11, 2014

was here in May 2010
Michelangelo Square, it seemed to me, undeservedly deprived of attention of tourists place in Florence. The main reason is likely that it is located away from the center and tourists do not always find the strength to get here. And this is vain and even very much! I would recommend that everyone begin their acquaintance with the city from this square. If only because it offers an incredible view of the city. We managed to get acquainted with the cultural capital of Italy from this place ... Read the whole review
 Michelangelo's square  Michelangelo's square  Michelangelo's square