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In the castle of Sforza Leonardo da Vinci creations are almost gone, but you should not get upset. Go to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, built in the 15th century. The church itself is rather interesting from the point of view of architecture with a beautiful elegant dome, but still come here, first of all, for the fresco "The Last Supper" of the great master of the era of the revival of Leonardo da Vinci. It is impossible to call this creation fresco entirely, wrote it to Leonardo da Vinci on a dry wall, covering with a layer of resin, plaster and mastic for making changes.

 Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy  Santa Maria delle Grazie
 Interior of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy  Santa Maria delle Grazie
 Santa Maria delle Grazie , Milan, Italy  Santa Maria delle Grazie

The painting began to deteriorate a few years after its creation, suffered a lot of adjustments and corrections and today only approximately corresponds to the original ideas of the author. Nevertheless, the image of the scene of the last supper of Christ with his disciples and his prophetic address: "Truly I say to you - one of you will betray me" - still causes emotions to survive the storm.

Address: Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie

Reviews of Santa Maria delle Grazie (1)

Evaluation 9

Here worth a visit November 18, 2013

was here in November 2012
When we went on a shopping tour to Milan, we planned to go to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. This is a special place. It was here that Leonardo da Vinci created his famous wall mural "The Last Supper". I want to warn you that you just can not get by without recording. I remember that we bought entrance tickets online almost in a month. In 2012, the cost of admission ticket at the end of November was 8 euros. Now the price has been raised. Those tickets that you have booked online will require ... Read full review
 Santa Maria delle Grazie  Santa Maria delle Grazie  Santa Maria delle Grazie