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"The Seven Churches" of Santo Stefano, as you might guess, represent more than one structure, and the whole Christian complex . According to the legend, Saint Petronius, Bishop of Bologna in the 5th century, decided to build on the site of the Isis temple a complex of buildings in the image and likeness of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem . Today it is difficult to say how things really were, as all the temples of Santo Stefano have been rebuilt too many times - and not very successful . The current buildings here date from the early Middle but restoration work, according to many, has done them more harm than good . Anyway, the "Seven Churches" are considered one of the most integral and well-preserved European replicas of Jerusalem .

In the complex of Santo Stefano includes the Church of St. John the Baptist (it is also the Church of the Holy Crucifixion) of the 8th century, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of the 5th century (rebuilt in the 8th and 12th centuries), the Church of the Holy Trinity of the 13th century, which is connected to the rest of the buildings by a portico (also called Pilate's Court) , the Church of Saints Vitaly and Agricola of the 4th century (rebuilt in the 12th century) and Capella della Benda ("Chapel of Lenta"), dedicated to the strip of cloth that was wrapped around the head of the Virgin Mary as a sign of mourning

"Seven Churches" are considered one of the most integral and well-preserved European replicas of Jerusalem.

The Church of John the Baptist fulfilled In the Romanesque style with one nave and presbytery over the crypt. Presbytery ("Pilate's Hall") was rebuilt in the 17th century. Inside it you can see the sculptural crucifixion of the 14th century, and the walls are decorated with frescoes of the 15th century. You can go up to the presbytery by a beautiful staircase, the final restoration of which was completed only in 1958

In a five-nave crypt you can see a variety of columns. According to legend, the height of one of them is exactly equal to the growth of Jesus Christ (170 cm). At the base of this column were the relics of saints, whose images were recently discovered under plaster on a wall nearby. Another small fresco of the 15th century can be seen in the left nave; it is called "Madonna della Neve."

The oldest church in the Santo Stefano Church of the Holy Sepulcher is an octagonal structure with 12 columns supporting the arch from the inside. In the temple there is a source of pure water, which is symbolically associated with the holy water of the Jordan River. Also attracted by the attention of a single column of black marble - the symbol of the pillar to which Jesus was tied for scourging. According to one version, both the column and the source were fragments of that same ancient temple of Isis.

The Church of Saints Vitali and Agricola, the first Christian martyrs, is distinguished by a very simple façade. Inside are the graves of saints. Also here you can see the remains of a mosaic floor of the 6th century and capitals of various architectural styles, left over from the earlier Romanesque and Byzantine buildings.

In the center of the Pilate courtyard is the pool of the first half of the 8th century. The pool dates back to the times of the Lombardians, whose main religious center was Santo Stefano. A Benedictine's club with a double open gallery (10-13th century) can be called one of the best examples of the architectural style of Emilia-Romagna.

In the museum you can see pictures, sculptures and fragments of frescoes, including those that remained after restoration in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Practical information

Address: Via Santo Stefano, 24.

Working hours: from 8:00 to 19:00 daily.