Add a review about the National Pinakothek in Bologna

The collection of exhibits of the Bologna Art Museum originates in 1796. The first works in it were those that were taken from churches and monasteries by the Napoleonic administration. In 1808 the collection was moved to its current place, the former monastery of St. Ignatius. In the middle of the 19th century the collection has expanded significantly, and now the Bologna Pinakothek is one of the best art museums in the country

The whole collection is divided between several sections . The first of these is the 13th and 14th century painting department where you can admire the works of Emilia- Romagna . The most significant of them are the creations of Vitale da Bologna: the museum has several of his paintings, such as "Saint George and the Dragon" and a series of frescoes depicting Saint Apollonia di Mezzaratta, transported from the same church and collected exactly they were created . In another hall works by artists not from Bologna . The pearl of this exposition is the only work of Giotto's brush in the city, "Polyptych with the Virgin and Saints" .

The pearl of this exposition is the only work of Giotto's brush in the city, "Polyptych with the Virgin and the Saints".

The Renaissance Section is represented by the early Bolognese working in this direction: Francesco del Cosa, Lorenzo Costa and Francesco Francia. Here you can see the work of non-inhabitants, somehow related to the local culture: for example, "The Ascension of Saint Cecilia" by Raphael and "The Virgin with the Child Jesus and Saints" by Perugino. Another pearl of the collection is the "Look" of Tintoretto's brush.

Mannerism in painting reflects the work of artists of the second half of the 16th century, among them F. Barocci, B. Passerotti, J. Vasari, P. Fontana and B. Cesi. And the next room is entirely devoted to the works of Ludovico, Annibal and Agostino Caracci, who at the end of the 16th century. founded the Academy of Arts. Unlike the previous "intellectual" and Mannerist schools, Karachchi became the founders of a more "natural", natural manner of writing.

A separate room that connects the Karachchi hall with the baroque corridor is dedicated to the work of Guido Reni. One of the outstanding masters of the 17th century, Reni became famous for his iconography. Among his works exhibited in the Pinakothek, not only the Crucifixion and the Triumph of Samson, but also the later Martyrdom of St. Sebastian and Christ in the Thorns.

In several rooms dedicated to Baroque and the art of the 18th century, you can see other works of Karachchi and other students of the academy, as well as Guercino (mature period of his work) and other artists who belonged to the Bologna school of painting, since the 17th century. Other names include academician Carlo Cagnani, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Francesco Albani and Domenichino

Practical information

Address: Via delle Belle Arti, 56.

Working hours: Tuesday and Wednesday: 9:00 until 13:30, from Thursday to Sunday and on public holidays: from 14:00 to 19:00, on Monday the museum is closed.

Entrance: 4 EUR, for visitors 18-25 years: 2 EUR (only for members of the European community), for children under 18, admission is free (only for members of the European Community). Also free admission for everyone on the first Sunday of every month.

All prices are for November 2014