Add a review about the Cathedral of San Petronio

The Cathedral of San Petronio is one of the largest churches in the world. San Petronio is not a cathedral, although it is often called the main church of the city for its great spiritual importance.

The length of the basilica exceeds 130 m, and the height of the cathedral's arch is 45 m . Among the surviving Catholic churches, the cathedral ranks 15th by the value of . Its construction was started in 1390 g ., and the main task set before the architect was to outdo the largest Roman cathedral of St. Peter . Pope of Rome, of course, could not tolerate this, and used his influence, after which the size of the cathedral was corrected . Nevertheless, San Petronio became one of the main strongholds of Catholicism in Europe, and in 1530 . it was crowned the Roman Emperor Charles V .

With all the additions, the construction of the cathedral took several centuries and is still not considered complete. This refers to the main facade, although many architects offered their options for solving it.

Among the surviving Catholic churches, the cathedral ranks 15th in size.

In 2000, in San Petronio from the Cathedral of Santo Stefano moved the relics of the saint Petronia, the patron saint of the city and the abbot of the cathedral in the 5th century In the interior of the cathedral, artworks pay special attention to themselves. These are paintings by Filippino Lippi and Lorenzo Costa Younger, and amazing wooden choirs of the 16th century. Also, we should pay tribute to the interior decoration of the walls with a multicolored stone and stained glass windows.

The Cathedral of San Petronio served as a working room for the famous medieval astronomer Cassini. Until now, the meridional line of the sun clock, which stretches to a height of 67 m, is the longest in the world. Thanks to the height of the measurement, the scientist was strikingly accurate for his time.

There are only 22 chapels in the cathedral, each of which is distinguished by a unique decoration . Among them is the chapel of Saint Abbondio, restored in the gothic style in 1865 . it was the coronation of Charles V); the chapel of Saint Petronius with the relics of the saint; the oldest chapel of the Madonna of the World with the sculpture of Our Lady, executed in 1394 g .; Magi Chapel with a wooden altar-triptych with 27 figures carved from wood and painted by Jacopo di Paolo, as well as stunning wall paintings; and other chapels of noble families of the city with rich altars and sculptures .

Bologna was considered the Italian center of baroque musical culture, and in the 17th century the cathedral of San Petronio was widely known for instrumental and choral music that was performed within its walls. One of the two cathedral organs, created in Tuscany in the second half of the 15th century, is considered the oldest in the country. Both bodies have miraculously come down to our days in the original state.

The cathedral stands on Piazza Madjorè, in the heart of Bologna.