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Archbymnasium of Bologna - perhaps one of the most significant buildings in the whole city. Once it was the main building of the University of Bologna, known throughout Europe. Here studied Dante, Petrarch and Copernicus. Today, the municipal library is located in it.

The construction of the archimoginas was started in the 16th century, when Piazza Madjor was completely rebuilt according to the instructions of the pope (at the same time the Neptune fountain was built). The purpose of the construction was the unification of different faculties in the same building, which at that time were scattered all over the city, and this building was completed in 1563

Inside the building is divided into two levels with a lower portico and patio, which surrounds the former church of Santa Maria dei Bulgari. At the upper level, the training classes of "legists" (students who study law) and "artists" (students of other specialties, such as philosophy, literature and medicine) were placed. Each group of students had 10 classes, but only for legists, who were considered a university elite, the classes were located in the main corridor.

A whole heraldic collection of absolutely abnormal sizes is shown on the walls of the courtyard: there are more than 7,000 coats of arms here

The whole heraldic collection of absolutely abnormal sizes is shown on the walls of the courtyard: there are more than 7 thousand coats of arms here. The honor to put your coat of arms on the wall was offered only to selected students. By the type of the coat of arms, it was possible to understand from which country or city the student came, and how his name was. The arms of the walls only miraculously escaped destruction by the order of the republican government in 1797 and during the bombing of the Allies in World War 2.

At the upper level of the archimgemnasium, the anatomical theater built in 1637 . Antonio Levanti . This room in the form of an amphitheater, decorated with wood and decorated with statues, is one of the most famous in the entire archimgemonium . During the dark Middle Ages, when any attempts to penetrate the secrets of the human structure were equated with heresy, engage in anatomy she could afford only an educational institution that had personal papal permission . As a result of the 1944 bombing of the . anatomical theater was seriously damaged, but was restored exactly according to the old pictures and drawings . The amphitheater is deployed to the professor's chair decorated ornaments, with a canopy that supports two statues of men without clothes and leathers. Ecole Lelly . Numerous sculptures that adorn the walls are portraits of famous doctors, including the two main statues of Hippocrates and Galena . The statue on the wall in front of the professor's chair is a physician with a nose in his hand: it's Gaspar Talyakozzi, a native of Bologna and a pioneer in rhinoplasty .

In the courtyard of the archimognasia there is a monument to the experimenter Galvani and his unfortunate frog.

Archibimnasium became the main building of the "Studium", as was then called the University of Bologna, and was until 1803 ., after which the Institute of Science was moved . In 1838, . one of the archimogynasium sections was given to the municipal library, the largest in the Emilia-Romagna region . The library has an important collection of historical, philosophical, political, artistic, biographical and bibliographic texts, as well as a large a collection of literature on the culture of Bologna . Among other objects here are stored about 35 thousand . manuscripts .

Practical information

Address: Piazza Galvani, 1.

Archimognasia building stands in the city center, near with the cathedral of San Petronio.