Add a review about the beach Amed

Amed - one of the most secluded and little-visited beaches of Bali . It is located in the easternmost part of the island, where Mount Agung stands, and most beaches are covered with large black volcanic sand - Amed is no exception . Here you will not see crazy surfers, only quiet fishing boats . Those who are full of the spirit of adventure to get interested in this particular beach, usually go here for a rich underwater world and diving lessons . The reason for that is a flat lagoon, excellent for training, and coral first reef just five minutes from the shore . marine life reef - perhaps the most diverse in Bali and the water temperature always remains constant, +28 ° C .

This is one of the newest tourist destinations in Bali. Even the roads were flooded only in the 2000s, telephone lines were laid in 2003, and finally a bridge was built in the place where the main road was regularly flooded in the rainy season, only in 2007. For the coastal area of ​​Bali, the Ameda region very poor, and life here is slow, but local people are friendly and simple. One of the means of subsistence for them is still the production of salt, and a jar with large crystals will be a good souvenir from here.

The sea life of a reef is almost the most diverse in Bali.

In fact, the word "Amed" called the entire coastal strip of 14 km in length, which begins near the village of Kulik and stretches through seven villages and a number of coves. The most sympathetic are conditionally considered to be Jemeluk and Lipah, although they are all good in their own way. The farther to the east, the shallower and browner the sand becomes. Along the beach periodically there are restaurants-varungi, where you can have snacks and nasi. In the Lipah region, good Indonesian food is prepared, and the best restaurant is Baliku, which is about a kilometer from the Blue Moon villas complex.

Early in the morning, a fish market operates in the village of Amed and fresh tuna is brought here.

Diving in the Amed beach area , you can admire fish-cardinals, snapper, snapper, butterfly fish from sandbars, and gorgonians, sponges, sea lilies, horny corals, acrophores and dendron-petrified trees - 20 meters from the shore. . Beginners in snorkeling can start from a protected bay Semuluk, and 4 km to the south, to Ban You can see one of the most impressive coral gardens in Bali . Here is deeper, and sometimes there is a current, so it's better to come already armed with some experience . In Tulamben on the bottom lies the sunken American ship "Liberty", attracting divers .

@ Swimming with a mask at the beach Amed

Excursions, entertainment and attractions Amed

Mount Agung with a height of more than 3000 m continues to be an active volcano . This is the fifth highest volcano in Indonesia, and it has a huge spiritual significance for local residents . On the mountain st The most sacred "mother" temple of Bali, Besakikh, and it really is worth to admire it . Another interesting and beautiful place in the vicinity is the water palace of Tirth Gangga ("Ganges Water") . It was built in the middle 20th century and is located directly behind the main road between Amed and Candida . The Palace is distinguished by beautiful gardens, a large pond with carp-koi and swimming pools that feed underground springs . At the entrance to the gardens are openly at least a dozen restaurants, and, in Unlike traditional tourist traps, in them are fed cheaply and terribly delicious .

How to get to Amed

To get to the beach, you need to turn east in Kulik village, which is on the main coastal road between Karangasem and Singaraya. A taxi from Ngurah Rai Airport will cost approximately 600,000 IDR (September 2014), and the journey takes about three hours.