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Nissaki - the beach is all-round on all sides, especially if you are not a fan of shaking out of swimsuits the ubiquitous sand . First of all, here is a luxurious white snow pebble, thanks to which the water retains its luminous azure shade (and not turns into something brown, mixing at the slightest waves with sand) . Secondly, the beach is a lot of cozy chamber bays, and not one long coast, bright at the height of the season, vacationers of all colors . Because lovers like to rest here so much and . Hiding in a protected picturesque bay, they are ready to watch for hours how the sun sets in the water, if only they are not disturbed . I want - please: Nissaki nature itself was created just for such romantic couples .

В Third, the same pure water like a magnet attracts divers - and they know something about really clean coasts and the richness of the underwater world. . Finally, a gentle entry into the water, thanks to which family tourists like to visit Nissaki . You can not worry about the baby, swarming at a shallow depth with grasping a game with some mote that he suddenly finds himself in a deep pit . It will not happen: the depth on Nissaki grows gradually, so the business young can calmly solve its important affairs on the shore, occasionally distracting the relaxed parents from the midday bliss . Moreover, the bay in which Nissaki is located is protected from strong winds and waves, so the microclimate here is also paradise .

The depth on Nissaki is gradually growing, so the business young can calmly solve its important affairs on the shore, occasionally diverting races derogation from parents from midday bliss.

this beach is located in the north-east Corfu, between the resorts of Barbati and Kassiopi, 22 km from the island's capital. Along the coast, there are several traditional Greek taverns, where you can taste fresh fish and seafood. A little further, a small port is located, the fishermen of which offer a boat with a driver for rent: explore the most beautiful rocks and bays near Nissaki or go fishing.

And on Nissaki Beach you can also dive


Address: Nissaki Beach.

How to get there: The easiest way is by renting a car or a taxi, the path from the capital of the island will take no more than half an hour . In addition, buses run from the city of Corfu to Kassiopi, which stop at Nissaki . Departure time from the capital: 5 : 45, 9:00, 12:15 and 14:30 on working days and in Sat, on Sun only at 9:30 . Back the bus departs at 7:00, 10:30, 13:30, 15:00 (Mon-Fri only), 16:15 Mon-Sat, and on Sunday at 16:15 . Please note, this is the departure time from Kassiopi to Nissaki, he will arrive a little later, depending on the traffic and the number of passengers embarking on the bus on the way . But the current timetable is always better specified on the spot .