Add a review about the beach Agios Gordios

Agios Gordios is not accidentally considered the best beach on the west coast of Corfu: here is an amazing gentle and fine sand, a warm and very calm sea. In short, a paradise for a bather who does not seek to "conquer" the wave and is not afraid to roast his heels on the hot sand.

The name of the beach came from a tiny church that is near the coast, right in the coastal zone. It is believed that this is one of the most photogenic cathedrals on the island, before it successfully blends its white walls with the azure color of the sea.

"A highlight" of Agios Gordios in its location: the beach lies in a beautiful bay surrounded by picturesque rocks covered with olive trees and grapes. Once in this garden of Eden, you want to stay here forever. Such unpatriotic moods support the rented deck chairs, lounging on which it seems that no force of the world will move you from a deserved piece of paradise.

Agios Gordios is popular with family tourists: the entrance to the water here is very long and gentle. So, the little one can freely splash around the edge of the surf without fear of sudden and inconspicuous deep holes or deep depths.
Agios Gordios is not by chance considered the best beach on the western coast of Corfu: here is an amazing gentle and fine sand, a warm and very calm sea.

In addition to the possibility to rent a sunbed, for an additional fee you can arm yourself with an umbrella and even a water catamaran. Finally, in the territory of Agios Gordios and in its surrounding neighborhood there are a lot of cozy taverns and pretty bars, as well as a souvenir shop and a small shop.

Agios Gordios


Address: Agios Gordios.

How to get there: from the capital of the island of Corfu to Agios Gordios about 16, 5 km, the easiest way to get here by taxi or a rented car, on the road no more than half an hour.