The German imagination, perhaps, is a bit too exaggerated about Rugen: too much praises, gives too bright colors, paints unreal landscapes. And this phenomenon is not the last few years, but for several centuries. For example, in the late 19th and early 20th century, Rügen enjoyed immense popularity among the powerful of this world. In particular, there were often Bismarck, Thomas Mann, and Einstein, and his coastal line was immortalized by novelist Kaspar David Friedrich already in 1818. Further - more.

Hitler was also deceived by Germany's largest island, choosing him in as one of the most beautiful sandy beaches for the construction of a monstrous resort of loyal troops. Later, the government of the GDR also made Rugen a resting place for its loyal comrades, including the chief apparatchik Erich Honecker

Although in fact, there is nothing in Rugen that could really distinguish it from other resorts on the Baltic coast. It is typically German, neat and tidy, with an ideal service and very beautiful (no more) scenery resort. The 574 km of the coast of the island, like most of Rügen itself, is covered with picturesque vegetation: lush awnings of chestnuts, oaks, elm or poplars. The surrounding waters are national parks or sheltered nature reserves

Most of the visitors on arrival immediately rush to the main resort of Binz or the Stubbenkammer area - white chalk cliffs in the Jasmund National Park. However, people who know there are in no hurry (for that they are knowledgeable): as there are already many places worth exploring in Rugen

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How to get to

Tourists from Russia can easily get to Rugen via Hamburg (direct flights by AirBerlin, in the air about 3, 5 hours). High-speed IC trains connect the main resort of Binz Island with Hamburg (€ 44.20, 4 hours) and further, passing through Stralsund.

In addition, from Stralsund, trains run to Binz (€ 9.10, 1¼ hours) and to Sassnitz (€ 9.10, 50 minutes). You can get to Putbus by moving to the RE train in Bergen (not to be confused with the Norwegian Bergen). Other resorts and small towns of Rügen can only be reached by the old Rasender Roland trains

Views of Rügen

Since 2007, two bridges are on the island: the new Rügenbrücke and the old Rügendamm (1936). The first connects the island with the mainland, pouring from the street Karl Marx Strasse in the town of Stralsund.

Search for tickets to the city of Hamburg (the nearest airport to Rügen)

By water

Rügen is also considered a popular stop on the route cruise and ferry boats, both local and international (Denmark and Sweden). For example, Weisse Flotte organizes a ferry service for passengers and cars from Stralsund to Altefähr on the southwest coast of Rügen (one way / round € 2.50 / 3.80, en route 15 minutes, departure every hour from 9 am to 7 pm).

Scandlines, 5 daily departures from Sassnitz-Mukran (7 km from Sassnitz) to Trelleborg (adults / children € 15/7, 50 flights in high season per day, 3¾ hours) go to Sweden. The fare is 100 EUR.

The same company organizes ferries to Denmark: from Sassnica to Ronne (Bornholm Island) from April to November: Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from April to June and from September to November; every day in July and August. The journey lasts 3¾ hours and costs € 21/10 for an adult / child, the car is € 115.


Reederei Ostsee-Tour organizes circular cruise routes along the coast of Rügen from Göhren to Sassnitz via Binz from April to October. 5 departures a day, the cost of the trip is Göhren-Binz € 4.50, Göhren-Sassnitz € 8.

In addition, RPNV buses run around the island. In the summer they depart every half hour from Binz to Göhren and Sassnitz. The fare depends on the distance: Sassnitz - Königsstuhl € 1.55, Binz - Königsstuhl € 4.10, Binz - Göhren € 3.60 and Göhren - Bergen € 4.60. Travel on the day € 9. The information offices provide tourists with route maps and timetables.

The old Rasender Roland trains run between Putbus and Göhren from 7.45 to 9.30 pm, stopping at Binz, Jagdschloss Granitz, Sellin and Baab. The fare depends on the number of crossed areas (there are only 5 of them, each costs € 1.60.)

The bike rental costs € 5-7 EUR per day. Prices are for September 2011.

Sassnitz at Rügen

Rügen Resorts

The most popular resort of Rügen is the former fishing village of Binz. Here, according to the plan of architect Otto Shpalding, a kurkhauz (spa house) was built, reminiscent of the atmosphere of the English seaside town of Brighton. Even before the First World War, there rested almost a record number (among similar resorts in the world) a person - about 10,000 a year. After the war, the cream of the German society was still gathered in Binz in the 1920s and 1930s

At the time of the Nazis on the island, the Power through Joy organization (KdF) had a wide network of sanatoriums and rest homes, including famous cruise ships courts "Wilhelm Gustloff" and "Steuben" . Fortunately, another project of enterprising accomplices of Hitler never materialized: here they planned to build a giant health factory near the village of Prora - the world's largest seaside resort by the architect Klotz .There was even built a line of five-story barracks-type buildings of concrete with a length of 4, 5 km . The rooms and living quarters in them were angles of 2, 5x5 m . In the center of the complex it was planned to build buildings for mass events with the capacity of 20 thousand people .

@ A little later Binz (and not at such a pace and not on this scale), other seaside resorts of Rügen-Sassnitz and Göhren began to develop.

Photo by Rügen (1)