Add a review about Lichtentaler alley in Baden-Baden

Lichtentaler Allee (ie Lichtentaler Allee) in Baden-Baden - a very unusual attraction. If you look, not knowing what it is, you will see the usual walking alley in the park, pleasant, but in general, nothing particularly interesting. If you look at what you are talking about, you will see one of the two most important aristocratic vanities fairs of Europe in the last 200 years.

Baden-Baden was then a water resort where to know the whole world went to the waters to unwind. In addition to thermal water, almost all the doctors here assigned physical activity to their patients: they demanded a daily number of visits on the promenade. So this avenue - it is, and in the city it is still called a promenade. The most notable titles, the greatest ambitions, the most fashionable dresses - all this in the summer showed the world here. Almost all the best singers, writers, musicians and artists of that era appeared here

Baden promenade is mentioned in the mass of literary works, both Russian and Western European.

This is a walking alley in the park, along the bank of the Oos river 2300 m. It connects Goetheplatz (Goethe area) with the remains of the monastery in the Lichtental area and passes through a very pleasant park with huge old trees, beautiful flower beds, a large dahlia garden at the end, and in the spring - with a sea of ​​various spring flowers in the grass. Along the park there are beautiful, ceremonial buildings, in the main mass also "with a history". Among them there are several good museums.

Walking along the promenade is not so much for walking around a good, well-groomed park - this and closer to home can be found, how much for the cultural content created around it. The Baden promenade is associated with a mass of literary works, both Russian and Western European. For example, Dostoevsky was in Baden-Baden in 1863, shortly before signing a contract with the publisher for the novel "The Gambler", and he also visited the promenade.

The Promenade is even mentioned by Dostoevsky in his novel "The Gambler."
Park , alley and pink garden

Practical information

It is worth noting that some parts of the park are private, so you can not enter the fences. Although it must be said that these private parts from the mall are not particularly visible.