Add a review about Friedrichsbad in Baden-Baden

Friedrichsbad in Baden-Baden - one of those very very German tourist attractions, where tourists get few, but the traditions of the country they at the same time make it possible to understand often much better palaces and other tourist sites. Friedrichsbad is a thermal complex, that is, more simply, a German version of a sauna. The terms and saunas in Germany are a terribly popular thing: they are visited periodically by almost 40% of the local population.

The Romans brought here - along with the Roman Empire. Having discovered that there are many thermal springs in the developed territories, they began to build medical institutions here. And since in winter this part of Germany is quite cold - the tradition has taken root, flourished, reached its peak at the end of the 19th century - so it still blooms, although it is now used mostly not for serious treatment, but for general sanitation, which is called the English word wellness in Europe

The essence of the term is bathing in thermal water (this is natural underground water rich in minerals).

The building was built in 1877 - at that time Baden-Baden was a great water resort (here rode the aristocracy "to the waters" - remember such a notion in classical oh literature?), so it was required a premise for notable holiday-makers. For a sample of planning were taken basically the terms of Caracalla in Rome. The building was built in the style of a high renaissance - both inside and outside, and for a long time it was Europe's largest term.

Outside the building looks very strict, but there are a lot of interesting details in the design. The most important thing here is inside. The huge palace of hydrotherapy, in paintings, marble and mosaic, details can be seen endlessly. There are no excursions to the building, the only way to see it is to go to the therma.

Do not be scared, German terms do not look like Russian public baths and may well be the brightest and most memorable part of the trip to Baden-Baden.

The essence of the term - bathing in thermal water (it is natural underground water rich in minerals) . It is usually used hotly . Thermae - the system of pools with thermal water of different temperatures and the sauna system, it is required to switch from one to another according to a specific scheme . @ Also after sauna local residents often undergo cosmetic procedures - massage, cosmetic masks, wraps and t . d . Another thermal water can be drunk, but it is consumed in a limited way - always carefully read the inscriptions on drinking columns . The next day the person is content, sleepy and in the state of "all the muscles ache," which happens after a good exercise in the gym, but then usually there is a strong burst of energy, improvement of well-being, optimism and a sense of renewal. .

Unlike the Russian bath, the steam here is not wet, , he is otherwise perceived by the body om - much easier. Everything is perfectly clean, the water is transparent and sterilized, a kind of "temple of health", a couple of hours in such a pobarahtatsya - a pleasure.

Several rules

Pools are common for all, for some days, men and women swim together, and for some - separately, in different parts of the building (you can meet in the spaces below, in the hall). It should be noted that in the sauna you can not go in a swimsuit - just naked, otherwise it will not be allowed - it's forbidden. Simply select a "separate" day if you are embarrassed by members of the opposite sex.

Also it is worth considering that you must start from the lowest temperature (it is always signed at the entrance to the booth) and watch the time - otherwise you will overheat. And most importantly - it's a matter for perfectly healthy and fairly young people. If you have any illness, or if you want to send old parents here, a preliminary consultation with your doctor is required.


Practical information

Address: Baden-Baden, Romerplatz, 1, Friedrichsbad. Bus number 205 stops nearby, but this is the old part of the city, right in the center, so it's generally most convenient to walk on it.

Ticket price: 25-49 EUR (as of January 2015) for a 3-3 session , 5 hours. Cosmetic procedures are paid separately. Children are allowed from the age of 14.

"Separate" days: Monday, Thursday and Saturday, all other days of the week and all public holidays are shared.

Working hours - daily from 9:00 to 22:00. You can login no later than 20:00.