Add a review about the Odeon Theater in Paris

The Odeon Theater (Fr. Théâtre de l'Odéon) - the famous Parisian theater, one of the six national theaters in France. Its construction was conducted from 1779 to 1782 years. In the park at the former Conde mansion. The authors of the project - the architects Charles de Vaiy and Marie-Josef Peir, carried out the construction in the style of classicism, clearly imitating the building of the Comedie Francaise. At the same time, it was not just an imitation, but the creation of a whole complex, the wings of Molière and Corneille were adjacent to the main building, and arcades for crews and servants were erected

The Odeon Theater was opened by Queen Marie Antoinette herself on April 9, 1982.

The theater is remarkable for the premiere of the great play Beaumarchais "Mad day, or the marriage of Figaro" in 1984.

In general, the queen, the son of the Habsburg dynasty, dreamed of a classical Italian theater in the city that was the capital of her new homeland . It seemed that something began to work out, the best plays The best authors of France came to the stage of the theater, as, for example, the already mentioned play Beaumarchais . However, there was a revolution, fine arts in this bloody and turbulent time no one cares . The very inspirer of the theater, Queen Marie Antoinette, finished life on the scaffold with her husband, King Louis XVI . The theater was closed, then reopened under a not very clear but loud name of the Equality Theater . However, according to Senka and the cap - there were no performances in the mainstay of equality, he served political tribune . After the horrors of the Jacobin terror, in more quiet times of the Consulate, it was again renamed .

Since then the theater has become known as the "Odeon", from the Greek "odium", which means a place for performances by singers and poets.

The theater was again placed at the disposal of the Comedie Française, then burnt, after which it was restored to 1808 already by the care of the Empress of France. Apparently, among the august women of France, the patronage of "Odeon" was a good tone. However, the theater was destined to once again burn and reborn, and then in it debuted in 1866 the great Sarah Bernhardt, one whose presence made any theater attractive to the public.

The Odeon Theater was opened by Queen Marie Antoinette herself on April 9, 1982

At the time when the theater was directed by the outstanding cultural figure Andre Antoine, in the early 20th century, a real technical revolution was carried out in the Odeon. The premises were electrified, and the mechanisms of the stage were re-equipped. The next collapse, this time financial, did not slow down. In the turbulent sixties of the last century, the theater was directed by Jean Barro, who, for the first time, staged the plays of Jonesco, Beckett, Jean Genet

on the Parisian stage.During the student riots in 1968, the theater sheltered the rebellious students . The "Odeon" manager for this act lost his job . But the scenario policy of the theater remained the same . "Odeon" - a real creative laboratory where the acting skills are mastered, the skill of directors and all those who depend on the success of the performance . The best attestation for the theater is that he loves a knowledgeable sense in the theatrical art of the Parisian public .

Since 1990, Odeon has been given the name of the Theater of the United Europe. Well, this is the credo of the theater. How much it corresponds to the declared - to solve, of course, to the public, that is, to us with you.

Odeon Theater


The theater is located in the historical center of Paris, in its sixth district, on the left bank of the Seine, near the Luxembourg Gardens, near the Odeon metro station

Ticket price: an average of 15 EUR, depending on the category of places.