Add a review about the Teatro de la Ville in Paris

Teatro de la Ville ("City Theater" of Paris) is located on the Place Chatelet. Today it is one of the most popular and prestigious scenic venues in France. Today the theater specializes in dance productions and is the leading dance theater not only in France but also in the world. Many directors dream of being invited to this theater, since such an invitation means recognition. Now it's hard to believe that this scene has known different times, and not always as favorable as it is now.

When Baron Osman, the creator of the "new Paris" in 1862, began his famous town-planning transformation, he commissioned the construction of a modern theater by the outstanding architect Gabriel Davieu . The architect built two twin theaters - de la Ville and Chatelet, which is located exactly opposite . But the similar appearance did not mean the similarity of destinies . Chatelet put adventure, action-dramatic performances, whereas de la Ville, then calling "The Lyric Theater" preferred the operas of Gounod, Bizet, Berlioz, Verdi and Mozart . The best singers of that time performed here . However, the Paris Commune did not go through the theater without a trace - the Communards, it is not known why, the theater was burned, and he long afterwards he could not recover from the incident .

In 1899 it was acquired by the great actress Sarah Bernhardt. The glitter of her name and the really brilliant play have raised the reputation of the theater: the hall has always been crowded. Bernard was so popular that she played Phaedra in the eponymous play of Racine, sitting in a chair in a long dress, so that her amputated leg would not be noticeable. She was then 75 years old!

In 1899 the Theater de la Ville was purchased by the great actress Sarah Bernhardt. The glitter of her name and the really brilliant play have raised the reputation of the theater: the hall has always been crowded.

In 1923, the great Sarah died, and the theater again experienced hard times, the directors changed, creative credo could not be chosen, and soon the authorities closed the theater. During the occupation, the name of the actress disappeared from the pediment of the building - Sarah Bernhard was Jewish, and the Nazis could not admit her veneration in the city they conquered.

After the war, the name of the great actress became the official name of the theater, and that was until 1968, when the theater abruptly changed Role - the specialization of this scene was dance performances.

Now it is a recognized center of modern dance, the productions of which have enjoyed constant success with the public. It's not surprising that queues at the theater cash desks are still on the eve of the season, people are buying tickets a few months before the start.

In the 90s, a new school of modern French dance, whose representatives Philippe Decufle, Jean-Claude Gallot, Rezhin Shopino just conquered the public, so original was their plastic, memorable - images and soft humor . Soon the cooperation with English, Belgian, Dutch choreographers and the German troupe of contemporary dance under the direction of Ti she Baush . In her last years the theater owes her the lion's share of her popularity . Her style is exceptionally original, she does not seek traditional solutions . Even the pampered Parisian audience was ultimately conquered by Dame from Wuppertal and her pupils . Generally the theater aims to only please the public, but, in a sense, to bring it up . Here - the playground for experiments and creativity .

Many performances that are staged on this stage will seem controversial. But that's the art, in order to look for the best, more perfect forms of expressing one's feelings, ideas and director credo.
City Theater of Paris


Address: 2, place du Chatelet. Working hours: according to the schedule of presentations.

Ticket price: from 15 EUR depending on the presentation.

How to get there: by metro to Chaetlet station; or by buses No. 21, 38, 47, 58, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74-76, 81, 85, 96.