Add a review about the theater "Comedie France" in Paris

Paris is the cultural capital of the world, even children know it. And the names of its theaters for many of us from the same children's, or at least teenage times, sound like music. After all, we studied at Moliere's school and told us that his plays were staged on the stage of the Comedie Francaise. Read and Hugo, and Dumas fils, and each time, getting acquainted with the biography, met this magic word -. Comedie Francaise

So what kind of theater, what its history is, and how it pleases the audience today? For starters - a little bit about history. The Comedie Francaise is the oldest theater not only in France, but throughout Europe. Judge for yourself, he has been working for more than three hundred and thirty years! And till now it is the leading dramatic theater of Paris, one of its main attractions. It should be noted that in particular the theater like Russian tourists, and this is understandable, taking into account the fact that we -. A nation of true theater

Theater Comédie Française was created not somehow, and by the decree of the Sun King, who decided to join the two in Paris Theater of that time - the theater of the recently deceased Moliere and the theater "Burgundy Hotel". The troupe included the most famous French actors at that time. The genius of Moliere has always remained invisibly present in the French theater, so sometimes the Comedie Frances is even called the "House of Moliere". And indeed, almost all the plays of the great playwright were put here. Later we took the baton Beaumarchais, Diderot, Voltaire and Racine

Theater Comédie Française was created not somehow, and by the decree of the Sun King, who decided to join the two Parisian theater of the time -. Theater recently deceased of Molière and the theater "Burgundy hotel."

Since the theater received an annual royal grant, which enabled him to invite the most famous actors, and also had the right to stage plays in French, he soon gained tremendous popularity in France and became its largest theater.

As is known, European theaters work mainly on the principle of an incentive, but Comedie Francaise is an exception, it is one of the few repertory theaters in Europe, where a variety of productions are staged, from ancient comedies and tragedies to the most modern plays . Prig Lasha directors from various countries, such as the famous Peter Fomenko put on stage the Comedie Francaise Ostrovsky's "The Forest", which was shown at the Chekhov Festival held here 2005 . The theater puts many foreign authors, but still the majority of plays goes on French .

How to get to the play

Theater tickets, of course, come in different price categories, depending on the place in the hall that you want to buy. The most expensive tickets cost about 50 EUR, and the cheapest ones are not surprised - only 6 EUR

You can buy tickets on the official site of the theater or in the box office, but here you should hurry, the demand for them is always very high.

By the way, trying to get young people to join the art of Melpomene, free places are allocated to each person on the first Monday every day under the age of 28.

"Misanthrope" by Molière on stage Comedie Française


Comedie Frances is located in the heart of the French capital , on the right bank of the Seine, a few steps from the Louvre, in the first district of Paris, at the corner of Pale Royal and Richelieu streets. You can reach it by any bus of routes Nos. 21, 27, 39, 48, 67, 68, 69, 81, 95, or by metro to Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre.