Add a review about the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in Brno

Cathedral St. . Peter and Paul is amazing with its beauty and grandeur .The spiers of two towers looking upwards, as if touching the sky, can be seen from any part of the city . The temple recognized as a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic has a rich and exciting history . The cathedral was built in the late 13th century on the site of the former Roman chapel .The Cathedral of Peter and Paul, which became the first church in the city, had and is of great importance for the Czech people . During all times of the existence of the church, the inhabitants of Brno found comfort and support in it, and for the conquering enemies the temple became a symbol of the fortitude of the townspeople and their unshakable spirit . @ Today the cathedral St. . Peter and Paul is not only a functioning temple, but also one of the main tourist attractions of Brno, and the panoramic view from the observation tower of the cathedral will give guests an ideal opportunity to explore the city from a bird's eye view th flight .

The upward spiers of the towers of the cathedral, as if touching the sky, can be seen from any part of the city.

The history of the construction of the temple dates back to 1177 g ., when, by the order of Prince Konrad II, a small a church in the Romanesque style . In connection with the development of the city and the increase in the number of parishioners in the first half of the 13th century, two towers are attached to the church, and the general construction of the temple acquires a gothic look . In the 14th century the presbytery is created in the temple, the appearance of which has not changed up to now . Later the temple was repeatedly reconstructed Because of the destructive forces of nature and the numerous wars that took place on the territory of the city . In 1777 .By the decree of Pope Pius VI the cathedral becomes a cathedral . One hundred years later the cathedral is being rebuilt again, and then two architects of the 84th meter tower, the main symbol of the cathedral, were built under the project of architect August Prokop . The last reconstruction was carried out in 2001 . , as a result, a chapel was added to the church for adoration ceremonies .

St. Peter and St. Paul's Cathedral

According to the legend, after four months of confrontation between the Swedish army in 1645, when the forces of both sides were already at an end, an agreement was concluded between the army commanders: if the Swedes did not manage to break into the city before noon, then their army immediately retreats. When the bell of the cathedral of Peter and Paul rang noon, and the siege of the city was lifted, no one noticed that the clock was actually showing 11. Since then, the bells of the cathedral every day are ringing at 11 o'clock in memory of the victorious noon.

The image of St. Peter and Paul's Cathedral is located on the back of the coin of 10 CZK.

Today there is an information center on the territory of the cathedral, as well as a bishopric museum with the exposition "The Life of Christ". In addition, a chapel with a Renaissance altar and a sacristy is open to visitors. Also in the crypt of St. Peter and Paul Cathedral there are concerts of chamber and organ music, various exhibitions and spiritual lectures. Among the surviving relics of the church, the figure of the Virgin Mary with a baby and an ancient baroque body covered with gold are singled out.

Practical information

Work time: 7:00 - 18:30 daily. Opening hours: Monday: 13:00 - 17:00; Wednesday: 13:00 - 17:00; Friday: 10:00 - 12:00 (only during the school year)

Address: Czech Republic, 60200, Brno 2, Petrov, 9.

Phone: + 420-543-235-031.