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Looking around the sights of the Old Town Square, in its northern part, be sure to pay attention to the majestic monument to Jan Hus. It appeared long ago: in 1915, in honor of the 500th anniversary of the death of Jan. The monument was not accidentally installed at the most honorable place in the heart of the capital of the Czech Republic. As you know, Jan Hus is the national hero of the Czech people, the great thinker, the ideologist of the Czech Reformation.

The sculpture of such a prominent figure was given to sculpture, not to anyone, but to one of the most famous sculptors and artists of those times - Ladislav Shalown. And he, I must say, created a very original monument. It's not just a sculpture on the pedestal, it's a whole composition that seems to grow out of the "heart" of the square. Around Jan Hus and Husit, and a young woman-mother, personifying the revival of the ideas of Huss and the people. On the monument there is the inscription: "Love people". This is the philosophy of life of Jan.

The last time the monument was closed for restoration in 2007-2008, as restorers feared for his condition: he is a composite, and not poured monumentally from bronze. Iron fastenings inside the monument could suffer from time. After the restoration, the composition was reopened, and crowds of tourists and residents of the country, both Catholics and Protestants, come to pay tribute to the great son of the Czech Republic.

Attentive tourists will notice one detail. Coincidentally, Jan Hus proudly "looks" at the attic window, in which the binding is similar to the Catholic cross.
The inscription on the monument: "Love people". This is the philosophy of life of Jan Hus.

Jan Hus was a reformer, preacher and founder of a new religious and socio-political trend, not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout Europe . His followers from 1391 to 1434 years . waged wars with the dynasty of the Habsburg monarchs . He was also the first among the fighters for human rights and the Czechs who became the personification of the unity of the Czech people . Alas, his fate was lamentable . Not everyone liked Gus's selfless activity, because he was declared a heretic and burned alive on bonfire in the hope that after removing the leader, the rest will run away from E . But this act led to a twenty-year war Hussite .