Add a review about the monument to Frantisek Palacky

In the most beautiful capital of Europe, Prague, on the embankment of the deep Vltava, near the famous Charles Square, there is a skilful monument to Frantisek Palacky . For people who know this name, says a lot, because František (14 . 06 . 1798-26 . 05 . 1876) was a famous Czech politician and historian . The future master was born in Godlawice, that in the picturesque Moravian region, later studied in Presburg and Vienna, planning to become a priest . But was carried away by philosophy, literature, history, moved to Prague, where he lived until his death from the 20-ies of the 18th century . There Palacky became a prominent archivist Count Sternberg, at his request, he wrote the story of this famous count sort .

In 1829, he was lucky to be a historian of the Czech Republic. It is Palacky - the author of the first five volumes of the "History of the Czech people in the Czech Republic and Moravia", which today reaches 1,526 volumes. He was also the first head of the historical department of the National Museum (1918-1841). Finally, on the initiative of František in the Czech language, all the scientific works of the museum were published since 1827. It is clear why he is called "the father of Czech historiography". Although only after ten years of work, the government officially acknowledged his work.

Frantisek Palacki is called "the father of Czech historiography."

In addition, Palacky was the creator and active participant in the movement of Austro-Slavism, which sought to ensure that the Slavic people in Austria- Hungary contributed to the creation of a monarchy of a tripartite state. Finally, Frantisek was an ardent participant in the revolution of 1848-1849, he wanted to establish civil rights and liberties, as well as the elimination of feudal relations in the Austrian Empire.

The sculpture that stands today in the square of his name is a tribute to the Czech Republic's valiant son, a prominent politician and patriot. The monument was designed and built by the sculptor Stanislav Suchard from 1905 to 1907, but after more than a hundred years it still looks magnificent and monumental.

Address: Palackého náměstí, Prague.