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One of the oldest squares in the city of Brno The Cabbage Market began to be built in the beginning of the 13th century . The square was not given such a name: it was replaced by a large market where you could buy all kinds of goods and products . @ Pottery and iron products, poultry, meat, vegetables and fruits were in great demand. . Today, as in the square, hundreds of years ago, you can meet traders of flowers and products, and in ancient buildings and buildings trace the entire history of the city and places . @ Among the history The famous Dietrichstein Palace - the largest palace in Brno, the Parnassus fountain, located in the center of the Cabbage Market, the plague post . Also in the square are three popular theaters of Brno: "Goose on the leash", Theater at the table and Reduta Theater . The cabbage market, or as it is now called the Green Market (Zelny Trh), is the most important tourist attraction in Brno, which in no way should be missed by the guests of the city .

Today at the Cabbage Market , as well as many centuries ago, it is possible to meet the merchant in flowers, souvenirs and food products.

In addition to the fact that since the foundation of the city the square served as a market for its residents, it was also the venue for various events, performances of musicians and stunts and any other mass gatherings . Townspeople met in the square with each other to find out the latest news or just to go out into the light . At the time of the formation of the square it was called the Upper Market, and under its territory and under the adjoining terrain there were underground rooms: warehouses and storage for the product sewerage, workshops and even taverns and taverns . The underground system is a whole labyrinth of corridors and rooms that occupies the entire market space .

The cost of the tour through the labyrinth is 160 CZK. Preferential ticket - 80 CZK. Family ticket - 380 CZK.
Cabbage Market and underground labyrinth

The main attraction of the square is the fountain "Parnassus", made in the Baroque style, was installed in 1695 by . Viennese architect Jan Bernard Fischer . The fountain is decorated with sculptures heroes of antiquity and mythology, symbolizing the great empires of antiquity, and in its form resembles a cave of natural stones . Another historical monument - the Dietrichstein Palace - was built on five houses designed by the architect Giovanni Giacomo Tenkala in 1618 . Since the construction it was repeatedly reconstructed and changed its appearance . In the first half of the 20th century the palace was reformed in the Baroque style and has kept this kind to this day . At the present time in the building of the Dietrichstein Palace exhibitions and expositions of the Moravian Museum are held .

Opening hours of the museum: Tuesday: 9:00 - 15:00, Wednesday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00, Saturday - Sunday: 13:00 - 18:00. On holidays from Tuesday to Sunday, the museum is open from 13:00 to 18:00

Theaters located on the Cabbage Market Square are well-known scenes not only in Brno, but also in the whole country . Theater "Reduta" in 1767 g. . was performed by the famous Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (in honor of him in front of the building of the theater is installed his monument) . Theater "Goose on a leash" is known as the main alternative scene of the Czech Republic, and the chamber Theater at the table is a small room located in the basement of the Dietrichstein Palace . The troupe of the theaters gastro iruyut around the world, and in the theaters themselves do not cease to boil life: puts various productions are taught skills of young actors .

get to the area is not difficult. The cabbage market is located in the very center of Brno.

All prices are indicated as of January 2015