A sacred temple in Tibet

The noisy reconstruction of the historic quarter of Lhasa - the capital of Tibet - ended on Sunday. Fenced in for seven months, a giant construction project costing the Chinese treasury 187 million EUR was condemned by local residents.

A stumbling block was the construction of a huge shopping and entertainment complex, located just a stone's throw from Jokang - the most sacred Buddhist temple in Tibet listed on the World List Heritage of UNESCO . About a hundred experts signed a petition last month to Chinese President Xi Jinping and UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova on the inadmissibility of the project . From its contents It follows that the tourist town being built near Jokang destroys and will continue to destroy the historic landscape that has not changed for several centuries . In addition, the beginning of construction was preceded by the demolition of several dozen houses, as a result of which local residents were forced to leave the quarter in which they lived their entire lives .

Recall that since 2009, non-governmental institutions have accused China of mass eviction of Tibetans. According to Human Rights Watch in the past four years, more than two million people were forcibly relocated to other regions of the country.

July 4, 2013
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