Add a review about the Museum of Aviation and Space in Ottawa

The museum was formed in 1964 on the basis of three collections: the National Aviation Museum in Uplands (early aviation), the Canadian Military Museum (military aircraft and equipment) and the Royal Air Force Museum of Canada (the most modern models). In 1982, the museum was renamed and moved to an experimental triangular building on the basis of a former hangar of World War II, where the pilots trained.

Today, in the vast collection of the museum you can see a wide variety of aircraft, civil and military, from the era of aviation pioneers before the First World War and up to the present time . The most famous exhibit of the collection is Avro Arrow, interceptor of the late 1950s . In addition, here you can see "Kanadarm 201", a robotic space management platform "Endeavor" . If you're lucky, you can get on a rare excursion around the back of the museum to see how to service, restore and preserve equipment, and also to see the rarest exhibits that are not shown .

Here you can see "Kanadarm 201", robotic control platform of the space shuttle "Endeavor".

Among the most interesting exhibits of the museum are the Bensen B-8 aircraft, the Bell serial helicopter, light aircraft and seaplanes, Fairchilds, Grumannys, McDonald's, Junkers, Messers, Spitfires and several models Sikorsky

From time to time the museum organizes air show and concerts of the Air Force orchestras

In addition to the central hall where the aircraft are shown, there are several exhibition spaces in the museum. This is an interactive hall "Life in Space", an exhibition "Green Heaven Above", dedicated to the environment, the "Eye in the Sky" technozone, where the technology of unmanned vehicles is demonstrated, the engine room.

Practical information

Address: 11 Aviation Parkway

The museum is 10 minutes by car from Parliament Hill, near Ottawa / Rockcliff Airport. This can be reached by bus OC Transpo No. 7 (stop at the corner of St. Laurent Boulevard and Hemlock Road, then from there it is necessary to walk along Hemlock Road to the east about 1, 4 km).

Working hours: from May 1 to September 1 every day from 9:00 to 17:00, from September 2 to April 30 every day from 10:00 to 17:00, except Tuesdays.

Admission: for adults: 13 USD, for children 3-12 years: 8 USD, for students and adults over 60: 10 USD (November 2014).