Amazon - one of the natural wonders of the planet, familiar to everyone else from the school's bench. By the degree of fame this river can compete with the Egyptian Nile and the Indian Ganges. The unique ecosystem of the longest waterway on the earth (more than 7000 kilometers from the source of Apachete) attracts fans of thrill, exotic, South American flora and fauna, and simple ordinary tourists who want to expand the boundaries of their travels.

Falling into the Atlantic Ocean, the Amazon forms the world's largest delta. The largest river island of Marajo, located just in the delta, the giant water lily Victoria Regia, huge palm trees, the world's largest freshwater fish and the river dolphin are on the list of Amazonian "rarities."

It is believed that the Spanish conquistador Francisco de Orellana discovered Amazonka in the 16th century. Initially, the conqueror of the New World wanted to give his name to the river, but eventually changed the decision. The name of the river is due to the mysterious tribe of women warriors who attacked Orellan's detachment. At present, the real existence of the Amazons is questioned. In their role, men with long hair could well have acted.
Great Amazon. Part 1
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  • 1 Origins and tributaries
  • 2 Amazon Hotels
  • 3 Amazon Flora and Fauna
  • 4 Amazon Cities
    • 4.1 State Amazonia

Origins and tributaries

The main question that arises in the disputes about Parana-Tingo or the "Queen of the Rivers" is what the Amazon locals call the local Amazon - whether its waters are the longest on the planet, and if so, where is the source of the river. Fifteen years ago, in the mid-90s of the 20th century, an international expedition to the Peruvian mountains was able to give an exact answer, currently the official version included in the textbooks on geography.

The source of the Amazon is the Apachete brook, which, after passing a long way, merging with other streams and rivers, turns into Apurimac, and then through the Ucayali to the Amazon. It is noteworthy that the Ucayali River is located in Peru, as well as the Maranyon River, which has long been regarded as the main source.

Before the expedition to the Andes, which put an end to disputes about the Amazon, the Nile occupied the first place among the longest rivers in the world , but persistent South American researchers were able to prove that the Amazon is more extended. The difference is literally several hundred meters.

The number of tributaries that make the Queen of the rivers the deepest on the planet is huge. Over five hundred rivers and rivulets empties into the Amazon. The largest are nine, among them about twenty - more than 1,500 kilometers long. There is an interesting effect with one of the tributaries: at the point of the confluence of Rio Negro, not far from the Brazilian city of Manaus, the Amazon is two-colored. Part of the water is white, part is dark. Until the junction with the Rio Negro, the Amazon has a completely different name - Solimones (the name is the river in Brazil) or Rio de Janeiro Marañón (Peruvian name).


Hotels in Amazon

The main means of accommodation on Amazon - lodges, and lodges are very diverse in service and quality of services - from modest 3 * to luxury 5 *.

Flora and fauna of the Amazon

Shipping Amazon - the habitat of so many animals . Species diversity of freshwater fish is up to one-third of the total on the whole earth . The most famous among the river inhabitants is the giant Arapaima, the maximum known weight is 200 kg, the length is up to three meters, and piranhas, cm up to 40 cm . Hero many x kinozhustikov - a huge boa constrictor of the anaconda - also lives in the waters of the Amazon and, under certain circumstances, can harm a person . In general, the local nature is extremely dangerous for bipeds, and the stories of bloodthirsty caimans are not fiction, but the harsh truth, although, as evidenced Aborigines, in order to get into their teeth, it is necessary, at least, to get out of the big water and to go deep into the rain forests .

One of the main tourist attractions for travelers in the Amazon - fishing piranha for raw meat. The day and night canoe trips are also popular, during which you can get acquainted with the flora and fauna.

Almost the entire Amazon basin is framed by jungles that cover the territory of nine South American states - Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, etc. For the abundance of vegetation, in addition to the river itself, there are rains, which are huge here.

Amazon Rainforest

Cities of the Amazon

The greater part of the river flows through the territory of Brazil. The largest Brazilian port is Manaus, which is the capital of Amozanas state. It's nice to come here to see aboriginal people, the jungle, to see how the Rio Negro flows into the Amazon and feel like a pioneer.

In Peru, the largest city on the Amazon is Iquitos, a city among the Selva, connected with civilization only by air and water transport. Houses on stilts, an Indian village, high humidity can be a real test for a city dweller accustomed to comfort. Photo of the Amazon (15)